Section 2: The causes of these issues are unknown, please help by reporting them! You can´t load your savefile If you´re not connected to PSN and have the DLC installed.Dying to a fire effect on the last boss may trigger an infinite death loop.Poison effects on bosses can bug your game permanently if the boss dies while you are respawning.Dying in the explosion of the last enemy during the Planetarium Quest will not respawn enemies and stuck the NPC on an incomplete main quest.Falling in a pit in the Catacombs will respawn you in the pit and trap you there.
Game Breaking Section 1: The causes of these issues are known, you can avoid them!: This can help you revert to a restore point if for any reason you have the misfortune of getting an unresolved gamebreaking issue. If you are on PS4, it is highly recommended to use the Playstation Plus cloud save feature so your progress can be backed up to the cloud.
Invincibility Bugs This page lists known issues and general warnings to players.